
Nice advice! I honestly never knew that there was a difference between and You also gave great advice about always using your creativity. I found your blog to be very interesting through the semester, nice job!

I am surprised you have never used Snapchat, it is one of my favorite Apps! If you do end up getting a new phone, I think you would have a totally different experience and find it a fun App to use. Although it does distract me a lot, it is one of my favorites! You are also very right about reading the news from Snapchat, I personally never click on those, but I’m sure for some people that is how they do read the news, which I believe could be very inaccurate. Good post this week!

Your post this week was so relatable. I also cannot wait for this election to be over. It is all we have heard about the past few months, and it is taking over the media in such a negative way. I also agree with seeing people’s opinions on facebook about the election, those opinions need to be kept to yourself! Good post this week!

This post is very relatable to today’s world. We are trapped in technology. I actually find it sad that probably very soon, people will not know how to communicate face to face. Communication is so important, and there are so many things that lack from communicating behind a screen. You also brought up a great point with loneliness. When we are bored we check Facebook, when in reality we need to be talking to people around us. When we are in awkward situations, most of the time we will bring out our cellphones and scroll, and practically look at nothing. I believe that this really needs to end. Good post this week, it got me thinking!

Nice finds on your scavenger hunt! I agree with your favorite eating and scenic spots here on campus. There are so many things that we walk past each day and don’t take the time to appreciate. We have an awesome community with so many things always going on and your post did an awesome job of capturing the beauty of SAU!



I love how you incorporated the quote, “a picture is worth a thousand words,” it is very true, and I also love going through people’s Instagrams to look at their pictures, as someone’s pictures really do say a lot about them. I also agree with your comment on how Instagram needs to get rid of the “story” update. All social media sites have their own great ideas, and they need to keep to themselves. Great post this week, I can’t wait to keep up with your blog!



I also picked the NYC PR Girls blog. I also really enjoyed the career tips and fashion advice that they offered. It was also very organized and easy to navigate around, just as any blog should be. This is a blog that I want to keep up with throughout the semester, as I believe that the tips they have are great! Good post!
